Saturday 9 May 2009

As a means of procrastination, I shall now post here two days in a row.

Surprised? Well, if you know me at all, and know how I operate when schoolwork is looming, then you really won't be all that shocked to find me here. But hey, in my defense, I have now completed two of the three assignments due Tuesday, so I'm not a total slacker.

Right now, I am sitting in the She Bar and Brasserie in Kenilworth. That's the name of the restaurant where Tom works. I've been here once before for dinner with his nan, but his boss wasn't in that day and asked that he bring me back to remedy our ignorance of each other. And so, here I am! The boss seems like a pretty chill, nice guy (as does his wife) and both of them appeared happy to meet me. Apparently, my name has been mentioned once or twice, and they were beginning to wonder if I really existed! haha. =) It's been nice here so far. I worked on my Intro to PR overview and journal, and I have internet access (obviously), so that's cool. Tom's made me three drinks so far: a fruity cocktail, Guinness with Tia Maria, and Malibu with pineapple juice, along with a Coke and a glass of needless to say I've seen the bathroom several times now. It's a nice bathroom to be fair.

Well....I don't even know how long it's been since I finished typing that sentence, but I just concluded one of the most pleasant conversations with a pair of strangers I have ever had. Seated at the table to my left here at the bar area was a middle-aged couple who, for the majority of the night, had kept to themselves and rarely raised their voices above a polite murmur. However, out of nowhere, the woman decided to address me, saying that she had been watching me type and work away and had grown curious as to what I was doing. The three of us ended up talking all about my time here in England, from the differences I've noticed between here and America to the sites I've seen and what I'm going to miss once I leave. They were very friendly, and I genuinely enjoyed talking to them both. I'm really happy they chose to sit beside me, and that the woman decided to "interrupt" my typing. I now have the fear we were speaking loudly though, cuz I feel their absence in the overall volume of the restaurant now that they've left. Woops, haha. Oh well.

Oh yes, and add a delicious hot chocolate to the list of drinks. Yummmm.

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