Saturday 6 June 2009


Hello again blog world, which for me consists mainly of.....myself, haha. It's cool. I know I had that huge chunk of non-typage, so it's no wonder my few followers have forgotten and deserted me. =P Plus, this whole thing is really meant as a way for me to look back anyway, and it still serves that purpose, which is why I'm here.

First off, the semester has concluded!!! I took my last exam yesterday morning, so no more classes for me until late August when I'm back at UWF. Whoohoo! I think my Intro to PR went well; it was the only multiple choice exam I had. I had to turn in a paper for PR & Media...blah. It was a "reflection" on the whole module. What a crap paper. Who knows how that went...? Anyway, Tourist Behaviour and Leisure in Mind were both essay exams, and while I feel like I did a bit better on TB (haha) than LiM, I don't think I did horribly on either. Here's hoping anyhow.

The other big thing on my mind right now is the fact that I am now in June. In less than a month, I'll be back in Florida with no idea when I'll make it back to England again. It's been so wonderful here, and I'm not looking forward to saying farewell. Even with the challenges I've faced over these last few months, I am so So SO glad I came here.

Tom will be making a trip to Florida this summer. Because of ticket prices sky rocketing as soon as you enter July, he'll be in the States a couple days before I am. On one hand, he won't be there to say goodbye to me when I leave here, but on the other hand, he'll be able to greet me when I get home, and I like that idea very very much. He'll be staying for two weeks, and I think it'll be interesting for him to experience Florida in the summer since he only knows of the more mild December weather, haha. We shall see what he says!

I only have 10% left on my laptop battery. That makes me sad, haha. Goodbye for now. Blog.

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